Choosing The Right Industrial Construction Methods
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Choosing The Right Industrial Construction Methods

When you are in a situation where you need to make something better, it can really pay off to understand industrial construction methods. Although it can be intimidating to know that there are a million different ways to accomplish the same kinds of things, the fact of the matter is that an understanding of construction and industrial methods can help. On this website, there are all kinds of interesting posts that discuss the ins and outs of manufacturing, since simple changes can make more stable, reliable repairs and projects. After all, creating change starts with you, and knowledge certainly is power.

Choosing The Right Industrial Construction Methods

Metal Transfer Methods In MIG Welding

Katie Rogers

Welding is a critical process used in manufacturing and industrial settings. A solid weld seam allows manufacturers to join two or more pieces of metal together to create exact dimensions.

MIG welding is one of the most popular welding techniques in use today. The transfer of metal can occur in three different ways during MIG welding. Understanding the differences between these three metal transfer methods will help you be better prepared to use the right parameters when MIG welding in the future.

1. Spray Transfer

If you are working with thick metal components, you need a metal transfer method that can penetrate each component deeply to create a solid weld. Spray transfer is the right option for thick metals.

Many molten metal drops are expelled from the electrode during spray transfer. This allows for greater coverage and a more stable weld seam. In order to achieve a spray transfer, you will need to use high voltage and a faster wire feed speed while MIG welding.

2. Globular Transfer

Globular transfer is a technique with a very narrow range of purposes. Globular transfer occurs when the molten metal at the tip of your welding electrode grows in size and forms a glob. This glob then plops into the weld puddle.

Globs don't harden at the same rate as the surrounding weld puddle, so the weld seam becomes weakened. The only time you would want to use globular transfer is when working with extremely thin metals, and even then you have to use caution to ensure your welds don't become too brittle.

3. Short Circuit Transfer

Short circuit transfer is the most commonly used metal transfer method in the welding industry. You can complete nearly any general purpose weld using this technique. The greatest benefit short circuit transfer MIG welding offers is the ability to perform a proper weld in any position.

Your welding wire will continually touch the metal components that you are working with. This creates an arc-on arc-off cycle that allows time for the weld puddle to cool.

You can weld on vertical or horizontal surfaces. You can even use short circuit transfer to weld while suspended upside down.

MIG welding techniques can be used in a wide range of applications. Altering the voltage of your electrical current, the type of gas that you use, or the type of electrode you use can have a direct effect on the metal transfer method you are able to achieve. Master these variables to become a master of your welds.

To learn more, reach out to a company like Spradlin Bros Welding Co.
